Quote tattoos also known as word tattoos range from simplistic fonts to very elaborate cursive fonts. The quotes that people get can come from the Bible, famous quotes or song lyrics. No matter where they come from, tattoo quotes usually hold a special meaning to the person wearing them. By reading the quote, you can tell a lot about that person’s feelings, beliefs or sense of humor.
It wasn’t until recently that quote tattoos become popular. Tattoos used to be just artwork with occasional words, but now you can find quotes without any pictures to go along with them. Some people do however, put a little symbol next to the words that go along with the quote. Quote tattoos are usually done in black ink but sometimes color is added to the words for added effect. If you are searching for a quote tattoo, make sure it is something you would gladly carry throughout life.
Best Friend Quote Tattoo
A nice font used to write this quote out.
Makes Me Stronger Quote
Forearm tattoo with an encouraging quote on it.
Sing Out Quote Tattoo
A wrist tattoo with a song quote on it.
Life Quote Tattoo
A rib cage tattoo with cursive writing in black ink.
Talent Quote Tattoo
A forearm tattoo with simple text in black ink.
Galileo Quote Tattoo
A fancy font in black ink with a famous quote on the shoulder.
Gandhi Quote Tattoo
A quote tattoo that goes up the arm.
source : http://www.tattoomenow.com/tattoo-designs/33-inspirational-quote-tattoos/
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